A Resource of Plumbing, Drain Maintenance and Drain Cleaning Videos – Your Free Resource

Clearing a toilet clog with a plunger.

Drain maintenance and cleaning are an essential part of your house plumbing functioning properly. Besides needing a drain professional now and again, having some knowledge yourself can come in handy. However, most homeowners lack the necessary knowledge to cure drain problems and handle or maintain their drains to avoid damage, so why not take advantage of a vast array of plumbing and drain cleaning videos?

Take advantage of the free information available to you via our plumbing and drain cleaning videos. Learn and get great advice from a sewer and drain expert on how you can prevent property damage. The Balkan Team is your ally in preventing and curing drain problems. We boast a high reputation for our responsiveness and expertise regarding drain cleaning advice. Furthermore, we make available to you an extensive library of informative videos.

A Full Library of Plumbing and Drain Cleaning Videos

The Balkan Team provides you with a complete explanation of how to maintain and utilize your house sewer line and drain cleaning videos as well. Even though the locality maintains the main public sewer system, every property owner is responsible for their individual property’s house drain and sewer lines. If you want to reduce or avoid drain problems, you need to learn all about house sewers.

This includes the typical issues you might encounter on your home sewer line, and how you can avoid or cure such problems. We can also help you understand the function and purpose of your main house sewer trap. Your main sewer is the connecting point between your house drain and your house sewer out to the public connection.

In NYC, house traps are made to be double-vented, an aspect that’s meant to allow easy drain maintenance and drain cleaning. Another crucial thing to remember when having your basement worked on is that your main trap should be easily accessible. These are essential things to bear in mind to help you easily maintain and clean your drain.     

Sewer Facts or Myth Videos and Drain Cleaning Videos

There are many myths surrounding drain lines, and that’s why we will help you learn more about your drainage system. We explain some of the sewer facts and myths related to drain maintenance and cleaning, including fresh air drain inlets, baking soda, and vinegar for drain cleaning, and whether boiling water can drain your system pipes. These are only a few of the drain cleaning videos available in our vast library of videos available to you.

We answer your questions and concerns and inform you to become a more intelligent consumer. Being aware of the sewer facts and myths will alleviate confusing and stressful plumbing issues you may encounter in your home. It will also help you make a better hiring decision regarding plumbing or drain maintenance.

All About Sewer Valves

Another important thing you need to know and understand if you want to avoid drain damage is sewer valves. There are several types of sewer backwater valves, all meant for different sewer flooding problems. For instance, automatic sewer gate valves or flood gate valves help protect properties from sewer water damage over time.

It’s best to analyze sewer valves adequately because different buildings have unique plumbing designs. Needless to say, it will take an expert to understand which valve to install and whether the sewer valve will solve a sewer flooding issue.

Need Expert Advice on Drain Maintenance and Cleaning? The Balkan Team Can Help

The Balkan Team is your resource for drain advice and helpful tips. We have been serving the NYC area for over 70 years, and we’re well aware of all the valuable information and DIY tips that can help our customers prevent or cure any drain problems. We also provide free on-site visits to help you determine the root cause of your drain problems, educate you, and provide you with expert advice on drain maintenance and cleaning. 

Contact us today at Balkan Sewer and Drain Cleaning, and we’ll be glad to be of help!