NYC Clogged Drain Can Become Your Bathroom Nightmare

NYC Clogged Drain Rats

Clogged toilets happen. That is why plungers were invented. However, for broken pipes and serious plumbing problems, it is necessary to contact a professional plumbing company. There are some times when a plunger will not do the job. One of the grossest things to cause a NYC clogged drain problem is a toilet rat. This gross event happens when a rat crawls through sewer pipes into a toilet bowl, or when it gets trapped, dies and is unknowingly flushed. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to use the commode and there sits a rat staring at you.

NYC Clogged Drain Rats

Just this week in Brooklyn, it happened again. A plumber pulled a dead rat out the drain pipe. The event happened at Carroll Gardens. A leak had started in the basement. In the resident’s words, “‘It smelled like a combination of mud and death,” he said. “I opened the door [to the basement], and there was two inches of puddled water that stunk to high heaven.'” The resident expected the usual reasons for a clogged drain. However, when a plumber was called, after an hour and a half he found the problem. It was a rotting, dead rat hooked on the plumbing snake.

Indeed, it was a rat, and not merely a rodent-like ball of feces. “I looked at it carefully, and I was like, ‘Yes, it’s definitely a rat,'” the victim said. He added that the plumber gave him some good real estate tips while still presiding over the body of the dead animal. “He gave us advice about how we should buy this building,” he said. “I was standing there, the three of us, with this rat dangling from the pipe, getting real estate advice from the plumber.”

Rats running through sewer pipes in New York City are not as unusual. Exterminators have dealt with this kind of problem many times, as have plumbers. “Conservative estimates suggest there are 500 rats to one mile of sewer in the New York sewers.” In fact, rodents getting stuck in toilets is such a common occurrence, there are several YouTube videos showing them stuck:

With those kinds of odds, it is likely that someday you will need to contact a plumber to help remove a rat. If that day comes, contact Balkan Drain Cleaning. They have over sixty years of plumbing experience in New York City and are available for emergency work 24/7/365.